Palm Reading Q&A: What You Need To Know

A Short Primer on Palm Reading

What is Palm Reading?

It is also called Chiromancy or Chirognomy; also known as palmistry or hand analysis. It is a spiritual divination art that studies the lines of the hand or the mounts of the hand. It’s also the study of the shape, size, and appearance of an individual’s hand overall, including the analysis of the texture, color, and resiliency of the skin.

What is palm reading for?

Palmistry is normally used for predicting the future, self-discovery, your career options, your relationships, as well as recovery from depression. Palmistry may literally change your life. Your hands will tell much about your personality and may help you to find answers to the questions you’ve ever had. It is a great tool to chart progress in mental healing or attitude reforming.

Where did palmistry started?

Palm reading was born in India, many centuries before Christ. From there, the science of reading into the lines of hand spread to China, Japan, Arab countries, and arrived in Europe in the twelfth century.

Which hand is used in palm reading?

Experienced palmists tend to examine the seekers’ most active hand or the dominant hand. The lines on that hand will tell your current and future trends while the passive hand indicates your childhood or the past. There’s a theory that says the left hand shows potential, while the right hand shows what you’ve done with that potential. Hence, in palmistry, both hands are used.

Are predictions made via palm reading true?

There is no such thing as a fixed future. All the hands show is possibility or likelihood, based on factors continuing unchanged. But we can change our direction in life, any time we choose.

What if you don’t like the predictions?

As a general rule, when the lines and markings on your active and passive hands are different, it means you have actively worked toward self-development. Remember, your hands change throughout your life, so what you see in the palm now can be different from what they were years ago.

Have More Questions?
Know more about what your palms hold. Come see us at The Psychic Shop in Lynnwood.