Morganite: The Stone of Divine Love

Though morganite is not one of the bigger names among gemstones, it is the best known and most popular of the beryls. Also known as pink emerald, this stone has a gentle and attractive pink coloration that is well-loved by women around the world.

On a metaphysical level, morganite is appreciated as the stone of Divine Love. People wear it to help them release unhealthy emotions while facilitating happiness, inner strength, and trust, thereby promoting healthy and satisfying relationships with the people around them.

It’s easy to see why morganite would be associated with such qualities. When looking at morganite jewelry, you’re likely to observe that it is relatively easy to find large faceted morganite crystals, all fairly free of inclusions. Try looking into a morganite and appreciating its purity, allowing the inviting aesthetic of its interior to lay an emotional foundation in your mind. When you can reflect this gentle purity in your own thoughts and actions, you are more receptive to loving interactions.

If you are looking for other ways to foster love in your life, visit the Psychic Shop for a psychic consultation and palm reading in Lynnwood.