Tag Archives: Lynnwood Palm Reading

Palm Reading Q&A: What You Need To Know

A Short Primer on Palm Reading

What is Palm Reading?

It is also called Chiromancy or Chirognomy; also known as palmistry or hand analysis. It is a spiritual divination art that studies the lines of the hand or the mounts of the hand. It’s also the study of the shape, size, and appearance of an individual’s hand overall, including the analysis of the texture, color, and resiliency of the skin.

What is palm reading for?

Palmistry is normally used for predicting the future, self-discovery, your career options, your relationships, as well as recovery from depression. Palmistry may literally change your life. Your hands will tell much about your personality and may help you to find answers to the questions you’ve ever had. It is a great tool to chart progress in mental healing or attitude reforming.

Where did palmistry started?

Palm reading was born in India, many centuries before Christ. From there, the science of reading into the lines of hand spread to China, Japan, Arab countries, and arrived in Europe in the twelfth century.

Which hand is used in palm reading?

Experienced palmists tend to examine the seekers’ most active hand or the dominant hand. The lines on that hand will tell your current and future trends while the passive hand indicates your childhood or the past. There’s a theory that says the left hand shows potential, while the right hand shows what you’ve done with that potential. Hence, in palmistry, both hands are used.

Are predictions made via palm reading true?

There is no such thing as a fixed future. All the hands show is possibility or likelihood, based on factors continuing unchanged. But we can change our direction in life, any time we choose.

What if you don’t like the predictions?

As a general rule, when the lines and markings on your active and passive hands are different, it means you have actively worked toward self-development. Remember, your hands change throughout your life, so what you see in the palm now can be different from what they were years ago.

Have More Questions?
Know more about what your palms hold. Come see us at The Psychic Shop in Lynnwood.

Your Personality in the Shape of Your Hand

Defining the Hand You Are

It’s not just the lines that cross your palm that are important, but even the size and shape of your hand. Do you realize that the shape of your fingers and your thumbs, the prominence of your knuckles and mounds, even your fingernails say something about you? Consider the shape of your hand, they correspond to the element types – earth, air, water and fire – that define your temper and personality.

The Earth Hand. Hands are very squarish, where the width is equal to the length, and have shorter, boxy fingers; the nails are also square-set. The palms have fewer but deeper lines, the skin is usually coarse and thick in texture; colour is reddish and ruddy.

An Earth hand denotes level-headedness and a no-nonsense approach to life. They prefer physical to intellectual pursuits, and are often very practical people who work with their hands or outdoors. Examples of pursuits are landscaping and woodworking. Earth types are very responsible, prioritizing security and stability, with controlled emotions, calm and peaceful. They are often sceptical of fortune telling.

The Air Hand. Hands have long fingers and prominent knuckles. The palms are square-ish or rectangular with long, sometimes tapered, fingers, thumbs are low-set. The fingers are roughly the same length as the palm. Skin is often dry and a little pale; there are many lines but are lightly defined.

An Air hand is naturally curious and imaginative, with nervous dispositions and prone to anxiety and stress. The hands indicate high intelligence and communication skills, but these people tend to overthink things and are seemingly detached from the world around. Examples of air hand people are writers and teachers. They are social creatures but often internalise their feelings making them seem cold and not very emphatic.

The Water Hand. Hands have short oval palms and long, thin, flexible fingers. Skin is soft and supple and has fewer but deeper lines.

A Water hand is a sensitive and emotionally intelligent person with an artistic nature. They’re keenly attuned to their feelings and that of others which can make it tough coping with stressful situations. Imaginative and flexible, romantic and sensitive, they are interested in music, poetry and mystery. They are involved in work caring for others such as charity and spiritual leading.

The Fire Hand. Hands are of short, rectangle or square palms and short, squat fingers, palms usually greater in length than fingers. The shorter the fingers, the more stubborn the individual. Skin is flushed or pinkish and has many lines which are lighter in definition.

A Fire hand reveals an energetic, go-getter type, passionate, natural leaders. They make up their minds very quickly, hate to be unoccupied and are often inpatient. Highly individualized and inspirational, fire hands also signify an interest in socializing, entertaining and playing sports. They’re a force to be reckoned with but can also come across as overwhelming and as bullies.

Finding Your Element in Lynnwood

See us for palm reading in Lynnwood and also know what the shape of your hand says about you. You’re in for a surprise! Your hand shape can direct you towards your proper pursuits and make you finally happy.

Life in Tarot Cards

Just a Card Game

It is a strange-looking deck of cards with large colorful pictures of mystical characters and objects. Steep in mystery, the cards see into one’s past, present and future in sometimes stark details and rude awakenings. It wasn’t always like that. These cards started as card games meant for recreation and social gatherings in Arab society, specifically in Egypt.

By the late 1300’s, it had become common in Europe. Over the centuries more picture cards were added and certain symbolisms began to emerge. They were all beautifully hand-painted, though not until the invention of the printing press were more of them made. It was in the 18th and 19th centuries that divination was attached to the symbols and characters. Astrology and the interplay of the elements and humors added to the mystique of their interpretations.

Today, your life story is played out and analyzed by professional tarot diviners using the modern cards, not very different from how they were used centuries ago.

Discovering Your Path

The intricacies of tarot card reading are best left to your tarot card diviner. The more skilled and intuitive the reader, the more clear and powerful is the picture of your life’s path. Seek out a good one and discover yourself. Come and set an appointment with a diviner at The Psychic Shop in Lynnwood. Here at our Lynnwood Palm Reading, tarot card reading is also offered. Give yourself the opportunity to look at and understand your past, analyze your present, and divine into your future to make you a renewed life seeker.

Ruby: the Most Powerful of Stones

The ruby is not a stone to be taken lightly. Considered one of the most powerful stones in the universe, it has long been highly prized by kings and priests for its vivid, potent energy. It is associated with love, wealth, wisdom, contentment, and bodily health.

If you are fortunate enough to have a ruby, consider the exceptional qualities for which it has been prized. This gem is a form of crystallized corundum, representing a red variation of the sapphire. As such, it is second only to the diamond as the hardest gemstone available on the market. It is also exceptionally rare, more so than most varieties of diamond, sapphire, and emerald. Allow your ruby to serve as a reminder of all you have to be thankful for, and all the reasons you have to be happy and confident in your potential to influence the world around you.

Of course, most of us do not enjoy the luxury of being able to possess a ruby of our own. Should you require any alternative means to foster confidence and contentment in your life, consult the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Identifying Prophetic Dreams

Everybody dreams. Even if you don’t remember it, you are likely dreaming every few hours every night. Naturally, with all the dreams you have, you are statistically likely to have the occasional dream that depicts events before they happen. Of course, these dreams can only be of any use to you if you have some way of knowing that they are prophetic before their portents come to pass. So, how can you tell the difference between a run-of-the-mill dream and a legitimate psychic phenomenon?

Many dreams have some meaning to them, so you shouldn’t disregard any dream outright. However, many of these are simply a reflection of your own current state, ripe with symbols and emotions that your mind is trying to sort through. Should you experience a particularly vivid, lucid, and compelling dream, though, you might be in tune with the deeper workings of the universe. Try writing such dreams down, and keep an eye out for what they foretell; they may be a sign of your own latent psychic capabilities.

For help sorting through your dreams, contact the Psychic Shop for a consultation or a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Could the Future Change the Past?

One of the big challenges of embracing psychic phenomenon is getting past our limited perceptions of time. How can one predict the future or gaze into the past, one might ask, if one doesn’t exist yet and the other is long gone? The fact is that time exists as more than a simple measurement of change; the past and the future are both very real things, with a very real relationship to the present and to each other.

Quantum science has been exploring this phenomenon for some time now, and has made some truly baffling discoveries. Among these are the revelation that the past is deeply influenced by the future. In an experiment studying the mysterious dual nature of light particles, it was demonstrated that light can exist as either a particle or a wave depending upon whether or not it is observed.

Further, an observed light particle can behave as a particle retroactively. With these revelations, we may be getting closer to grasping how the human mind is capable of deja vu and other phenomenons of inexplicable intuition.

To further explore the future or past, consult your Lynnwood palm reading shop.

Zircon: A Stone with a Long Memory

Though not as well known as the big-name gems, the zircon is a very important mineral. Many people make the mistake of confusing it with the cubic zirconia, a man-made substitute for diamond. Not only are zircons authentic, natural gemstones, but some specimens represent the very oldest minerals on the planet.

Metaphysically speaking, zircon is associated with confidence and awareness. To meditate upon the zircon is to connect with something potentially older than life as we know it.

Let your zircon serve as a reminder that there are things vastly bigger than your own existence, and forces that transcend the narrow understanding of human perception. It is in this way that the stone helps us find love within ourselves, peace with the people around us, and possibly even a greater understanding of our own mystical potential.

Visit the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood, or to learn more about unlocking your own metaphysical power.

The Most and Least Psychic of the Zodiac Signs

The Psychic Ability Behind Your Sign

Do you get “feelings” sometimes, like you know that people are lying to you or you are having dreams that eventually come true? Do you see and speak to ghosts or move things around with your mind? There’s something about intuitively knowing about things. You might think you just have good instincts when you do something and avoid disasters when actually you are being psychic.

There are different kinds of psychic abilities. Astrologers say that the zodiac sign you’re born under may have something to do with how much and how little psychic you are. You might even ignore or deny your abilities but those “feelings” are not going to stop. All you can do is control them. Some of the zodiac signs are hugely psychic and others not so much. Know the most to the least psychic of the signs.

Pisces are the most psychic. Their amazing sense of intuition manifest even with people they don’t know. Much of the time their psychic ability comes in the form of a muse which helps them with their art. Cancer’s psychic abilities come to them in terms of emotions. They have a lot of empathy which can trigger their psychic abilities, very good at helping both the living and the dead deal with their emotions. Libras refuse to believe they are psychic, believing instead they are making lucky guesses.

However, they are on spot all the time – Déjà vu, past lives, premonitions. Unfortunately, they are quite lazy to hone their skills. Now the Scorpios. They come closest to actually being able to read people’s minds. They cannot only tell what you’re thinking, they also know what you’re hiding. But Scorpios are secretive themselves, hate liars, and may use their information to control others.

Aries are trend-whisperers, they have the psychic ability to know exactly what’s going to be next – the next big hit or what’s destined to be a winner or a success. Virgos are slightly psychic, they can sense future opportunities and future threats. Leos have psychic timing. Taurus is grounded but have the ability to sense boundaries with people and places; they are logical and pragmatic. Sagittarians are not so psychic, are perfectly happy with the now, and are not concern at all with the future. Capricorns tend to be more practical than psychic; they may have a strong vision but are too afraid to judge. Aquarius is one of the least psychic, if not the least. They can be psychic but only in the way of invention and innovation, not as being able to read what people feel.

Know if You’re Psychic or Clueless in Lynnwood

Come see us at The Psychic Shop in Lynnwood. By your Zodiac sign, let’s both look into your personality and perhaps glean a hidden psychic ability. Know if you have something there to help others.

Maintain a Positive Attitude this Winter

Winter is not an easy time for most people. Between the stresses of the holiday season and the darker, murkier weather, it is easy to lose our positive outlook and develop a toxic emotional state that sends us into a downward spiral. To avoid this, consider the following advice:

  • Seek Out the Sun: It has been shown that a lack of exposure to sunlight causes depression. If the sun is hard to come by, consider buying a lamp that replicates the sun’s UV rays. You can also find vitamin D fortified foods that give you the vitamin D you usually get from the sun.
  • Know Your Limitations: If you’re in charge of planning your holiday festivities, don’t take on more than you can handle. Delegate tasks where you can, and avoid the stress that ruins so many winter holidays.
  • Maintain Your Usual Routines: There is comfort in routines. Unfortunately, many people let the stress and cold weather of winter serve as an excuse to neglect their regular habits. In particular, try to keep up your exercise routine, as exercise is a good way to improve your mood.

You may also benefit from regular psychic readings from the Psychic Shop. Come for a palm reading in Lynnwood today!

The Psychological Primary Colors

If you’re trying to foster the right feelings and attitudes in your everyday life, consider harnessing the psychological power of colors. The effects that colors have on our mental state are well understood; this is why fast food logos are all red and yellow, and why black and white cars are not pulled over as much as red or neon green cars. The four primary psychological colors, and the effects they are known for, are as follows:

  • Red: This is the color that relates most strongly to the physical. It is a color of strength, courage, excitement, and basic survival instincts. It makes things appear closer than they actually are, grabbing your attention. Red rooms heighten the appetite and encourage aggression.
  • Blue: The intellectual color, blue is known for being soothing, logical, and conducive of trust. A blue environment encourages calm and rational thought, though it can also be perceived as unemotional and unfriendly.
  • Yellow: Yellow relates most to the emotional level. It fosters creativity, confidence, and optimism, but too much of it can also encourage anxiety and emotional fragility.
  • Green: Representing the balance between the other three colors, green encourages a harmony between the physical, intellectual, and emotional. Our eyes can perceive it more easily than other colors, making it a restful choice. Green settings bring about restoration and a heightened state of psychic awareness, but risk stagnation and boredom.