Turquoise: Civilization’s Oldest Protective Talisman

Of all of the gemstones humankind has used for adornment or decoration, turquoise is the stone with which we have probably shared the longest relationship. Many ancient cultures would wear it as a talisman of protection, wisdom, and power. Egyptians, Persians, Chinese, Aztecs, Incas, and various groups from North America all recognized its defensive capabilities for thousands of years. Turkish riders would use it to prevent falls, Asians would wear it to ward off evil, and Native Americans would place it on burial sites to protect them.

In a big way, protection is about confidence and a sense of security. When you consider your own turquoise jewelry, ponder the comforting permanence of it. Not only has it been used by civilization for longer than most other gemstones, but its strong, opaque qualities that require neither faceting nor polishing serves as a reminder of the solid foundation that we rest upon.

If you’re looking for other ways to find protection and security in your life, talk to the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.