Understanding Palmistry and The Palm

History, Purpose and Considerations

Palmistry, also known as Chiromancy, is popularly referred to as plain Palm Reading. It’s a form of divination practice which goes back into ancient history. Its roots were in India, spreading over Eurasia that includes China. Tibet, Persia, Egypt and Greece. It appeared in Aristotle’s writings 2,500 years ago.

It dispersed in the Middle Ages because the Catholic Church banned it until it went into a revival in the 19th century, when occult practice grew. It advanced in the United Kingdom and the United States as chirological societies bloomed. By the mid-1900s, palm reading was a fully woven practice in American pop culture.

Palmistry requires study and practice, just like any other divination. It is relatively easy to explore the basic theory and techniques. It is accompanied with tips and tricks to help cultivate a reader’s unique approach. By the palms of the hands – its lines and creases, folds and mounds – a person’s traits can be assessed and the future divined.

What is palmistry for?

Palm reading is the art of analyzing the physical features of a person’s hands to be able to interpret his/her personality traits and foretell the future. Based on time-honored occult traditions, the palm of the hand reflects the workings of the universe. Based on the movements of the planets, human events on Earth are affected, or so is said. Practitioners of palmistry can become very knowledgeable in the art by developing their own interpretations based on historical conventions. They can converse well with any querent or the person seeking a reading.
