Palm Readers: Then and Now

Palmistry: as old as History

Palm reading was first found in Indian civilization and then spread to China and Tibet. Soon it became a practice in Egypt, Israel, and ancient Babylonia. It captured the popular imagination of the times as spirituality, religion, and the occult ran deep in the psyche of the cultures.

Palmistry also entered Grecian society. It was said that Alexander the Great had his soldiers’ palms read to ascertain their character and loyalty. It caught Europe’s imagination as well. However, in the Middle Ages, it was banned in the continent when the Catholic Church suppressed it, calling it a pagan evil.

Revived around the mid to the late 19th century in Great Britain, proponents wrote articles and books on the subject and attracted famous celebrities of the time, like Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde, among others. It has become a recognized science, this art of foretelling one’s future via the lines and creases in the palm.

Palm Reading in the New Millennium

Now practiced all over the world, palmistry has gained stature and respectability. There are schools offering its study, publications solely devoted to the art have considerable circulation, and also, associations of like-minded advocates that include palm readers themselves have become legitimate and sought-after resources of the science. Some individual practitioners gain celebrity status. These days a well-trained and knowledgeable palm reader is an available friend and guide.

When you seek such expertise and knowledge, come over to Lynnwood Palm Reading for a sit-down session. See for yourself how your life can change as you navigate life’s pathways.