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Garnet: A Grain of Vitality and Confidence

The garnet has been known by civilizations around the globe for many hundreds of years. It comes in numerous forms, each with their own spiritual properties, though the most well known of these is the blood red variety. Full of vibrant, creative passion, this gemstone has valuable uses for people in all walks of life.

The primary use of garnet is to improve your relationships. This applies to a romantic relationship that you want to restore a little fire to, a friendly relationship that you want to bolster, or even a business that needs to be revitalized with healthy working relationships.

To derive the benefits of a garnet, consider its deep, vital coloration. The blood-like color serves to inflame your sensibilities, evoking a sense of strength and passion. Keep this sense in the forefront of your mind with all of your relationships, and let it inspire you to new heights in everything you do.

If you are looking for other ways to foster confidence and improve your relationships, talk to the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood today.

Turquoise: Civilization’s Oldest Protective Talisman

Of all of the gemstones humankind has used for adornment or decoration, turquoise is the stone with which we have probably shared the longest relationship. Many ancient cultures would wear it as a talisman of protection, wisdom, and power. Egyptians, Persians, Chinese, Aztecs, Incas, and various groups from North America all recognized its defensive capabilities for thousands of years. Turkish riders would use it to prevent falls, Asians would wear it to ward off evil, and Native Americans would place it on burial sites to protect them.

In a big way, protection is about confidence and a sense of security. When you consider your own turquoise jewelry, ponder the comforting permanence of it. Not only has it been used by civilization for longer than most other gemstones, but its strong, opaque qualities that require neither faceting nor polishing serves as a reminder of the solid foundation that we rest upon.

If you’re looking for other ways to find protection and security in your life, talk to the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Morganite: The Stone of Divine Love

Though morganite is not one of the bigger names among gemstones, it is the best known and most popular of the beryls. Also known as pink emerald, this stone has a gentle and attractive pink coloration that is well-loved by women around the world.

On a metaphysical level, morganite is appreciated as the stone of Divine Love. People wear it to help them release unhealthy emotions while facilitating happiness, inner strength, and trust, thereby promoting healthy and satisfying relationships with the people around them.

It’s easy to see why morganite would be associated with such qualities. When looking at morganite jewelry, you’re likely to observe that it is relatively easy to find large faceted morganite crystals, all fairly free of inclusions. Try looking into a morganite and appreciating its purity, allowing the inviting aesthetic of its interior to lay an emotional foundation in your mind. When you can reflect this gentle purity in your own thoughts and actions, you are more receptive to loving interactions.

If you are looking for other ways to foster love in your life, visit the Psychic Shop for a psychic consultation and palm reading in Lynnwood.

Amethyst: The Sobriety Stone

The amethyst gets its name from a Greek term for “without drunkenness”. They believed that this stone could guard you against inebriation. Today, the so-called “sobriety stone” continues to be a source of calm and mental clarity for many.

Amethyst has been used for many things, including curing insomnia, warding off feelings of guilt and fear, facilitating positive dreams, and aiding in meditation or the discovery of psychic powers. Some people wear it to bring about good fortune, though it is not the most well-known of the prosperity gems.

When you meditate upon an amethyst, focus upon its coloration. A rich, regal purple is one of nature’s rarest hues, and its sight evokes a sense of something that transcends that which is normal. Simultaneously, its deep, cool appearance is evocative of a stable and collected state of mind. Allow the stone to serve as a reminder to rise above the mundane and find peace within yourself.

To learn more about achieving mental tranquility or exploring your own psychic potential, visit the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Pearls: Purity and Peace

The pearl is a very important gemstone. Though modern cultivation techniques have made them highly accessible, there was a time when they were the most valuable gems on the planet. Since they don’t need to be cut, civilization has been using them in jewelry since time immemorial, during which time they have been attributed with strong metaphysical properties.

Round and uninterrupted, a good pearl serves as a symbol of purity and integrity. They remind us to comport ourselves with dignity and treat other people with honesty and grace. Meditate upon a pearl’s perfect form to find focus and clarity, pondering as you do how a thing of such beauty can be born from something coarse and unpleasant.

Since pearls come in many colors, different colors may serve different purposes. A standard white pearl is the best for purity of heart and mind, while a black or gold pearl stands for prosperity and a pink pearl fortifies your heart against emotional distress.

Consult the Psychic Shop’s Lynnwood palm reading service for more help on achieving purity and peace of mind in your own life.

Sapphires: the Stones of Wisdom

In many ways, the sapphire is second only to the diamond. It represents the second hardest gemstone available in the jewelry market, as well as a runner-up in terms of popularity. In the metaphysical community, the great significance of the sapphire is similarly the peer of the diamond.

Many ancient cultures have recognized the power of this gem in all its forms. Though different colors may have different meanings attached to them, one common thread that seems to run through them all is their association with wisdom. They are worn to calm and focus the mind, opening one’s self to greater intuition. Sapphires of different colors are also attributed with the following qualities:

Black: Relief from anxiety or sorrows, and protection from losing employment.
Green: Fosters integrity and compassion for others, and improves your ability to recall your dreams.
Pink: Brings love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
Violet: Facilitates meditation and spiritual awakening.
White: Strengthens resolve, and opens communication with higher powers.
Yellow: Stimulates will and brings about financial prosperity.

You can consult the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood, or for further information on how to foster mental clarity and wisdom in your own mind.

Thinking Like a Psychic

Though the nature of psychic powers is not entirely agreed upon, many professionals will tell you that everybody has the potential within themselves. Very few are able to put it to effective use, though, because of the inscrutable and often times infuriating mechanics of our own minds.

Suppose, for example, that you were asked to choose an animal entirely at random. Would your choice truly be random? You might name your favorite animal, or the animal you had seen most recently, or an animal that reminds you of the person you are talking to. One way or another, you’re not going to be able to claim that your choice is random. Every thought and impulse you have comes from something, even if you’re not conscious of what it is.

In a big way, this is part of the psychic experience. It is the challenge of a psychic to listen to the answers in his or her head without trying to provide the answers for themselves. The human brain is a remarkable thing, after all, capable of understanding far more than we are aware of, and it’s only by learning to separate our surface thoughts from our deeper insights that we can gaze into the more elusive workings of the world around us.

To learn more about connecting to your own psychic ability, consider a palm reading in Lynnwood at the Psychic Shop.

The Science of Fate and Fortune

One of the most fascinating developments in the modern world is the way we’ve begun to see legitimate science intersect with realms long considered inscrutable, even magical. Much of this is coming to us in the form of quantum theory, a branch of study so bizarre that even people who devote their lives to it would scarcely claim to understand what it is.

In simple terms, one of the ideas at work in quantum theory is that the past and future both exist, and our present is an illusion we experience due to our inability to perceive all of time simultaneously. Further, every possible outcome from every quantum of time lies before us. Some theorize that we are all simultaneously experiencing every timeline in which we are alive, but are only aware of the timeline in which we live forever.

Though such science may be truly impossible to properly explore, it could point to a certain validity in notions of fate and fortune. After all, in a continuum wherein you are immortal, you are bound to find the universe following an uncanny set of rules in your favor. In a very important way, this is what the Psychic Shop seeks to help you navigate. Come in for a palm reading in Lynnwood today!