Tag Archives: Lynnwood Palm Reading

The Power of Self-Hypnosis

Your mind is a powerful thing. Unfortunately, your ability to harness its full power is generally muddled by the noise brought on by the world around you. If you want to try to get the best out of your own mind, try your hand at self-hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis is not as difficult as you might imagine. One of the easiest methods to use involves repeating a helpful mantra to yourself as you go to sleep. You may have noticed in the past that, when you go to sleep worrying about a problem that you have, the solution comes to you after you wake up the next day; this is because your brain continues to work at full capacity throughout the night, making connections and working through dilemmas in ways that you never could while conscious. If you can manage to fall asleep while repeating instructions to yourself, you may wake up to some impressive results. Some people even claim to have cured themselves of disease through the power of self-hypnosis.

When you are looking for professional psychic assistance or are just curious, contact the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Dreams: Is it Biological or Supernatural?

Why Dream at all?

Research says that dreaming is a human and animal biologic function that requires no interpretation. Dreams are automatic. They occur to provide stimulation for the body’s chemistry and neurologic functions, such as, handling a threat situation, selecting a mate, or improving status in a hierarchy. That sounds very much like a species’ tool, a rehearsal, in aid of survival. But there was a time in antiquity when dreams were regarded as harbingers of misfortune, messages from another world. To know their meaning is to arm oneself against impending threat. Dreams were taken seriously and it was imperative to know what news they bring. Hence, it must have been the way that dream interpreters became highly sought.

Seeking the Meaning

Whether dreams have biological or supernatural origins, it is the interpretation of these visitations that seek understanding. What could they possibly mean? Recurring dreams or violent ones have lingering effects. One tries to find answers. The internet is full of so-called meanings and can confuse rather than solve issues. A psychoanalyst visit is an option to be considered for those who can afford the time and expense. There are reports that people who found interpretations to their dreams have become better equipped to handle life conflicts, forearmed to deal with threats, and seemingly peaceful and content in a general way.

A ready and convenient avenue, that is also affordable and comfortable, is the dream interpreter or dream analyst. This is what The Psychic Shop in Lynnwood offers. You will see how depth of expertise and degree of trustworthiness become important elements in the engagement between the dream meaning-seeker and the dream analyst. It might be worth the visit.

Palm Readers: Then and Now

Palmistry: as old as History

Palm reading was first found in Indian civilization and then spread to China and Tibet. Soon it became a practice in Egypt, Israel, and ancient Babylonia. It captured the popular imagination of the times as spirituality, religion, and the occult ran deep in the psyche of the cultures.

Palmistry also entered Grecian society. It was said that Alexander the Great had his soldiers’ palms read to ascertain their character and loyalty. It caught Europe’s imagination as well. However, in the Middle Ages, it was banned in the continent when the Catholic Church suppressed it, calling it a pagan evil.

Revived around the mid to the late 19th century in Great Britain, proponents wrote articles and books on the subject and attracted famous celebrities of the time, like Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde, among others. It has become a recognized science, this art of foretelling one’s future via the lines and creases in the palm.

Palm Reading in the New Millennium

Now practiced all over the world, palmistry has gained stature and respectability. There are schools offering its study, publications solely devoted to the art have considerable circulation, and also, associations of like-minded advocates that include palm readers themselves have become legitimate and sought-after resources of the science. Some individual practitioners gain celebrity status. These days a well-trained and knowledgeable palm reader is an available friend and guide.

When you seek such expertise and knowledge, come over to Lynnwood Palm Reading for a sit-down session. See for yourself how your life can change as you navigate life’s pathways.

The Etheric Hand

Also known as the psychic hand, the etheric hand corresponds to the elemental nature of the cosmos. This rare hand shape resembles a more extreme version of the air hand. If you have exceptionally long fingers and nail beds coupled with a very long palm, you may have an etheric hand.

The lengthy palm of the etheric hand is associated with a deep, introspective mind. The long fingers indicate an aptitude for retaining detailed information. People with etheric minds are often good at learning by themselves. They are also the most inclined towards psychic abilities; an etheric-handed individual may find it easy to transcend the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms, and will likely be a good medium or astral traveller.

If you do not have an etheric hand, this does not mean that you are incapable of experiencing the metaphysical. There are many other signs that may point to a psychic inclination. Visit the Psychic Shop in Lynnwood for a palm reading to learn more about your own psychic potential.

The Water Hand

A water hand is similar to an air hand in that it is long. Unlike an air hand, it is characteristic of a damp quality that will be apparent upon touch. The palms will generally have a soft, round appearance with high mounts. Occasionally, there may be a pink coloration on the palm mounds and fingertips.

People with water hands are known to be highly emotional. They frequently exhibit superior compassion and a heart of gold. They are also highly susceptible to the currents that run through their lives. Negative emotions can lead them down a self-destructive path if they fail to develop the protective shell they need, while positive emotions can make them some of the best friends you can have. Generally, these people are the natural empaths of the world, prone to discomfort with crowd situations often struggling with psychic claustrophobia.

To learn more about the nature of the water hand and its implications on your own life, consult the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

The Earth Hand

Earth hands are generally fairly easy to identify. These are the thick, bear-paw like hands with large, expansive palms and wide fingers. Often times, they may be a little rough, possibly even dry and chapped in appearance.

The wide palms of Earth hands are attributed to a reflective mind. People with such hands are likely quiet, though not necessarily shy. They are akin to the earth in the way they apply their energies: steadily, reliably, and quite possibly resistant to change. Earth-handed people are known to be sensible and practical, good at getting the job done with a “no nonsense” approach. They are attracted to professions that let them work with their hands. Some will even claim that their hands work by themselves. Not a particularly emotional group, they are the least likely to be attracted to psychic phenomena.

For help identifying the shape of your own hands, and what your hands teach us about you, consult the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

The Fire Hand

A fire hand is defined as one with a wide, expansive palm, often boxy in appearance. The fingers of a fire hand are short, and sometimes have a stubby appearance.

The shorter palms of a fire hand are seen by a palmistry expert as a sign of a fiery mind, hasty in its decision-making. Your short fingers are often the sign of a stubborn nature. If you have fire hands, your strengths are likely in your passion and daring impulses. You may be a charismatic person prone to brilliant, fresh ideas. Unfortunately, your passions may be a fickle and fleeting phenomenon. If you cannot keep your focus, you may find that you are frequently guilty of not following through with your projects.

Fire-handed people tend to excel as salesmen, public speakers, and other jobs where their quick passions and their easy ability with people are a merit. To learn more about your palms, contact the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

The Air Hand

An air hand is long and narrow. Such hands will often be paired with long nail beds and a long palm. Elegant and graceful, these are the hands of a hand model.

To a palm reader, the mental energy of an individual is known to originate in the wrist and move up the length of the hand into the fingers. It is here that this energy pours out into the world. We therefore recognize the long palm of the air hand as indicative of a strong mind, one which devotes significant time lost in thought. If you have an air hand, you may be thoughtful to the point of restlessness. You are a self-studier, moving quickly through life, gaining expansive knowledge in many fields. Of the five different hand types, you are the most likely to gain an aptitude for psychic phenomena.

For further insights on how the shape of your hand can reflect the contents of your soul, consult the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood.

Tourmaline: The Stone of a Thousand Faces

The tourmaline is a remarkable group of stones. Wonderfully complex in their molecular structure, they are known for being the most versatile gemstones on the planet. No other stone comes in as many different colors; you can find tourmaline in anything from black to colorless, and from translucent to transparent. Many stones feature two or more colors, like the covetable watermelon tourmaline with its red, white, and green hues. There are even examples of tourmaline that will appear as different colors, depending on whether you are viewing them in natural or artificial light.

It is the great diversity of the tourmaline that has earned it its reputation for fostering flexibility, tolerance, balance, and understanding in our lives. When you consider a tourmaline, remember the impressive complexity of its molecular structure. In the same way that it is this complexity that gives the stone its exceptional properties, we can understand that our own flexibility and tolerance should come from a richly developed mind. Contact the Psychic Shop for a palm reading in Lynnwood, and to further develop your psychic state.

Lapis Lazuli: Power and Wisdom

Lapis lazuli has been recognized as a stone of great power since ancient times. In many circles, it was valued more than gold. The Egyptians used to bury their dead with a lapis lazuli scarab to offer them protection in the afterlife. Some believed that dreaming of the stone foretold faithful love. Others associated it with mental clarity and a greater connection to the mystical world, using it to help make oneself a channel.

When pondering a lapis lazuli stone, consider its composite nature. These stones are not a single mineral, but rather a combination of lazurite, pyrite, calcite, and traces of other minerals. Try to imagine the universe around you as resembling this stone, with the easily perceived reality imbued with strands of deeper reality subtly running through it. You can use this mental image as a catalyst to heighten your psychic sensitivity and meditate on a higher level.

To learn more about realizing your own psychic potential, consult the Psychic Shop in Lynnwood for a palm reading or other psychic service.